Time Management

Time Management

Every second, time is ticking to the point that we don’t even know how to manage it. People need to know how to balance their personal life with their work life, and quite frankly it’s a hard skill for one to establish. But when one does master it, productivity and efficiency rates increase and disastrous stress rates decrease. It also allows more stuff to get done and longer rest time. Some of the steps and traits you can incorporate into your time management are:

  1. Prioritize- take note of the importance of a task. If a task isn’t so important, put it to the side for a while until you complete the stuff that is important. 
  2. Set a deadline- manage when you want something done so you don’t procrastinate. You can do this by setting a schedule
  3. Lose distractions- manage your environment. Put away your phone if you don’t need it and set up a comfortable workspace if you can.
  4. Set small breaks- After a period of work, it is recommended that you take a 10 minute break to ease down.
  5. Focus- centralize yourself on the work at hand and really attempt to finish it at the given amount of time you have set for yourself.
  6. Apps- Finally, there are many apps available that can help you reach your goal of good time management, some of them include:
    1. Productive
    2. Time Bloc
    3. Focus Keeper
    4. Flora
    5. Habit Tracker 

There’s no doubt about it in my head, managing time is one of the most important traits any student should master. Doing so can not only prevent stress but also allows people to have time for themselves. So if you can incorporate any of these skills into your lifestyle, do it. I’m sure you will be satisfied with the results!