Meet Ms. Moss!!

Meet Ms. Moss!!

Summer Harper, Writer

The Central Islip Public Library is an amazing resource in our community. Within that library is a person that you need to know– Ms. Moss! Since she is the Young Adult Services Librarian, she is the person to talk to about programs that you would like to participate in, or programs that you would like to see started. Need a great book suggestion? See Ms. Moss! Need community service? See Ms. Moss!

What made you become a young adult librarian?

I really enjoy helping patrons of all ages, but I have to admit that I like helping teens. They are so much more than what we give them credit for, they are creative, unique, and full of spirit. It’s a trying time for teens especially with technology and the new demands we place on them.  I’m glad that the library can offer them an escape as well as assistance with everything that is going on with their lives. Unfortunately I think sometimes their needs are not always met and have a tendency to be ignored or seen by adults as a negative. Its has definitely improved with the time but I wanted to help address this lack of understanding. My undergraduate degree was in communication with a focus on speech, so I’ve always wanted to be able to communicate effectively with teens. Getting my Masters degree in public Librarianship and School Media Specialist has allowed for me to bring my two biggest passions together my love of helping teens and my love of providing information.

How can you help kids who don’t like reading?

I’m a HUGE believer in just stopping a book if it’s not working for you. Why drive yourself nuts if you do not like a book? I always encourage teens to take home several books at a time, especially if they’re not sure what they’re in the mood for or are a first time visitor of the library. One of their selections is bound to stick especially if we choose books from different genres.

What is your favorite part about readers advisory?

When a teen comes back to the library after telling me how much they LOVED the book I suggested for them.

What Local and National Professional Organizations do you belong to?

American Library Association (ALA)

Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)

children’s librarians association of suffolk county (CLASC)