Representing CI in the Youth Power Project


Twyla Joseph speaking in Albany, NY

LeAnna Johnson

Teenagers often feel powerless when it comes to making changes to the world in which we live. We feel like we are too young or no one will listen. However, sophomore Twyla Joseph is showing us that we can, in fact, make big changes happen right now.

Twyla is working with the Make the Road organization as part of their Youth Power Project. In December she met with youth representatives from all over New York State to discuss legislation called the Safe and Supportive Schools Act. Then, on February 5th, 2019, members of the Youth Power Project went to Albany to discuss this legislation with members of the senate and the assembly. Through the hard work of Twyla other young people just like her, four representatives signed on to the bill.

The Youth Power Project meets weekly with local youth and then periodically throughout the year at retreats with Youth Power Project members from all over New York. The next retreat will be over the summer and they will be discussing services related to mental health, especially those that would help students who had received services transition out of high school.

Twyla recommends the program for many reason. “Getting the opportunity to meet with and talk with senators is really cool, but the best part is the friendships that I have made while working with other kids on these projects,” she said. She suggests that anyone interested in the Youth Power Project contact Nicole at Make the Road at 631-374-6505.