France vs Tunisia @ CIHS


Lisseth Hernandez

This year we are seeing lots of hype and talk of the World Cup as its rarely done during non-summer months. Tenth grader Lesly Cruz noted, “The unity it brings is inspiring. To see people coming together in the halls and hear the cheering and disappointment at the same time is astonishing. It really brings out the meaning of the World Cup.”  Ms. Leuchtmann saw this excitement and embraced it by setting up a field trip of sorts in the little theater for 2 periods to watch the match between France and Tunisia. She also took this opportunity to teach her class a bit about Tunisia, which was a fun way to make it educational!

The world cup is a series of soccer games with teams from qualifying countries around the world. Of course not every country can compete but those that can go against each other to bring home the cup! It is the most viewed and followed sports event in the world. While walking through the little theater, it wasn’t hard to see the varying opinions regarding who would win the World Cup. Names like “Pulisic,” and “Neymar,” and “Griezmann” were overheard as well as claims like, “Brazil is done,” over the din of excitement while students watched the game.

Throughout the event itself students watched the game on the smartboard decorated with green soccer balloons, which many students noted was a really special touch. Ms. Leuchtmann’s students also made posters in class which they waved during the event. Making signs in French to cheer on the French players was a fun change of pace for the classes leading up to the event. Setting this up was a great way to take something many teachers may find distracting and incorporate it in learning in a fun way.

Ms. Leuchtmann may not have been able to bring her students to Qatar to see a World Cup game in person, but this was a great substitute. Allez les bleus!