New York Blood Center will be here at CIHS on Thursday 3/13/25 in the HS Gym for our third blood drive of the year.
If you are willing to donate please click this link to book an appointment:
Scan the QR code on the posters in the hallways.
Walk Ins will be accepted but appointments are preferred.
Students who are 15 years old and younger are not eligible to donate.
16-year-old students need a signed permission slip to donate. (These will be available on the bulletin board by the cafe)
Students who are 17 years old and up are not required to have a signed permission slip.
Don’t forget to bring your donor ID card or know your donor ID number (if you have donated in the past)
If you are donating, please make sure that you eat well and drink plenty of fluids the day before, and morning of your donation.